Hidden Leaks
Some leaks are hard to detect (known as hidden leaks). You can check for these hidden leaks by examining your water meter during a period of time when no water is being used, like overnight. If your meter moves over this time period it means that you have a leak that needs to be fixed,… Read more »

Put an End to Cold Showers
If you find yourself running out of hot water in the shower, it could be a sign that it’s time to replace or upsize your hot water heater. If this is happening to you, give us a call and we can help you put an end to cold showers!

Save on Your Home Heating Bill
A lot of people don’t realize that you can save up to 25% on your heating bill just by replacing an old furnace with a newer, more energy-efficient one. Time for an upgrade!

Show Your Furnace Some TLC
Believe it or not, when the weather warms up you should still be thinking about your furnace. During the warmer months, when your furnace isn’t running as much, is a great time to have it cleaned, serviced, or replaced if needed.

Check for Leaks!
Did you know that you can save up to 1000 litres of water per year just by checking for leaks under your bathroom and kitchen taps? 1000 litres! That’s a lot of money you could be saving!

Dishwasher Vs. Hand-washing
Use your dishwasher instead of hand-washing dishes! With today’s energy efficient washers, you’ll use less water than hand washing. In fact, a load of dishes cleaned in a dishwasher requires approximately 37% less water than washing dishes by hand. Not only is this better for the environment – it’s money back in your pocket!

Are Trees at the Root of Your Sewer Issues?
New tree root growth in the spring can cause sewer backup issues because roots are drawn toward the sewer line as a source of nutrition. A Bevan Bros. plumber can inspect your sewer line to detect potential problems and will determine the best treatment option for proper drain clearing. Give us a call!

Cold Home? Cold Pipes!
When the cold weather arrives, you might be tempted to shut the heat off when you leave the house for the sake of your bank account. Keep in mind, a cold home means cold pipes! Biting the bullet and spending those extra dollars on home heating during the winter months could save you big time… Read more »

5 Troubleshooting Tips For Your Faulty Furnace
Having trouble with your furnace? You may be able to get it back in business without a call to the pros by giving these 5 troubleshooting tips a try! Tip #1: Furnace technicians often find that the only “repair” a furnace needs is to be turned on! Look for a standard wall switch on… Read more »

Skate & Donate
We want to thank everyone who came out to our Skate and Donate event in November in support of the Hospitality Ministry Food Bank. Together with our friends from Olympia Electric, we met our goal of filling two company trucks with non-perishable food items for those in need on PEI. On top of the generous… Read more »